“As a Latina, I am honored to be a changemaker in my community.”

We are wishing a very happy work anniversary to our very own Lourdes Tovar, our IET and English @ Work Program Manager!

IET, the Integrated Education and Training program, strives to provide our clients with the necessary skills to be successful and productive members of the workforce through vocational training in Spanish, ESL courses, and workforce readiness classes. English @ Work is our worksite English as a Second Language (ESL) program. This program allows students to learn English in their workplace and in the context of their careers.

Lulu first joined the Literacy Coalition of Central Texas as an AmeriCorps member teaching ESL. Having only had experience working with 6th graders, the transition to teaching adults was intimidating at first. However, Lulu’s heart warmed up quickly. She recalls on her first day, “looking out to the class and seeing my dads, my tios (uncles), and my cousins in the students.” 

A Latina herself, serving the Latino community and “seeing our students progress in their English language skills and advance in their careers is so fulfilling.” Lulu likes to think that our Spanish HVAC alumni are amazing recruiters for our program, and says “we often hear students tell us that they were referred to us by their relative or friend who completed the class previously.”

“My time at The Literacy Coalition has been such an impactful journey in my life,” Lulu reflects. Beginning as an AmeriCorps member to now managing the IET program has helped her gain so much perspective on the nonprofit sector. Lulu also looks back on how many great role models she’s had during her time at The Literacy Coalition. One of these role models was her AmeriCorps supervisor, who Lulu recalls always advocated for her. Now that Lulu is the supervisor herself, she does her best to advocate for not just who she supervises, but for her students too.  

Thank you for all you do, Lulu! The Literacy Coalition would not be the same without you.

Learn more about our IET and English @ Work Programs.

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