The full Intermediate English Forward Curriculum includes 29 lessons across 6 units for a total of 50 to 80 hours of instruction for intermediate-level ESL students on real-life topics and situations language learners face every day, from going to the doctor to getting a job and more.

Supplemental Materials

On this page you’ll find all the support materials for the Intermediate English Forward Curriculum. The links for Supplemental Materials contain corresponding items for lessons like scenario cards, pictures, and sentence strips, Can-Do lists, and Teacher Reflections. Please refer to the Instructor’s Guide for information on the English Forward lesson flow, teaching strategies, theoretical principles, and more. If you have an account that allows you access to the Intermediate English Forward Curriculum, you can find that on the Curriculum page.

Full Intermediate Curriculum

Intermediate Unit 1: Survival Skills

Intermediate Unit 2: Everyday Living

Intermediate Unit 3: Finances & Common Agreements

Intermediate Unit 4: Healthy Living

Intermediate Unit 5: English For Work

Intermediate Unit 6: Education

Intermediate: Becoming a US Citizen
