Join us for a Read-A-Thon with Literacy Coalition of Central Texas! Do you remember reading challenges from when you were a kid, do you have a personal goal to read a certain amount before the end of the year, or are you setting a New Year resolution to read more?

Let’s read for a purpose and support students at Literacy Coalition of Central Texas!

The Read-A-Thon works on an ambassador/peer-to-peer model, where “Readers” will set up their own fundraiser with a reading goal, and collect pledges or donations from their network.

We’ve created a Facebook Group which will serve as the community hub for the Read-A-Thon – join us there to share your reading goal, link up your Goodreads bookshelf, share your favorite books, and talk with other readers! 

Don’t have Facebook? Not a problem! Send an email, a text, or a post on another platform to let your network know you are participating – anyone can donate on and note that it is for your read-a-thon. 

There are lots of ways to participate in our very first Read-A-Thon!

Become a Reader!

    1. Set your reading goal 
    2. Set up a fundraiser on Facebook (100% of donation go to us, no fees!) or just let your network know what you’re doing
    3. Encourage your network to pledge/donate on your Facebook fundraiser or, or collect donations
    4. Keep your network up to date on your reading
    5. Meet your reading goal by the end of the year and make all donations to support adult, career, and family literacy programs

Donate to a Read-A-Thon Fundraiser!

    1. Donate to the main Read-A-Thon fundraiser on Facebook
    2. Donate at and note “Read-A-Thon”
    3. Donate to a friend’s personal Read-A-Thon fundraiser

Share the Read-A-Thon!

    1. Share the Read-A-Thon Facebook Group
    2. Share, like, and comment on our social media posts (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn)
    3. Email and text your network about the Read-A-Thon
    4. Have a Book Club or other reading group? Get the whole crew involved!


We invite you to join this fundraising effort however is a good fit for you – becoming a “Reader” with your own goal, pledging to someone else’s or the main fundraiser, sharing on social media, it all will help! We’re excited to build a reading community with you. 

Check out our Facebook and Instagram page to see the fun prizes we have as reading rewards! 

Thank you for helping us break intergenerational cycles of poverty with free, holistic adult, career, and family literacy programs. 

Happy reading!

