We are launching a fresh series featuring our Interim CEO, Lisa Stewart, who will be sharing a monthly book recommendation. Here’s her first recommendation!

The year is 1893 and a woman sits before a jury of twelve men and the world, all waiting to hear the verdict of Lizzie Borden. The gruesome events took place in Fall River Massachusetts and the trial occurred in New Bedford. Curious about the case and this legendary story, I enthralled myself with the book The Trial of Lizzie Borden by Cara Robertson and cozied up in the home where history was made. Visiting the upstairs guest room, gliding the staircases, and sitting in the living room, I could follow every detail of the case. Lizzie was acquitted that summer and lived out her life in Fall River, Massachusetts. The circumstances of Lizzie Borden case still fascinate the world today and we still question, did she do it? Legally, she did not but…

Thank you to Fall River, Massachusetts for providing a beautiful fall getaway. Also, a very heartfelt thank you to the @LizzieBordenHouse for being a wonderful host! I loved this adventure and can’t wait to return and uncover more history of the Borden family.

The Trial of Lizzie Borden by Cara Robertson

Reading Difficulty & Comprehension:

Average book length of 400 pages

Flesch Reading Ease Score 47.8

Reading Level – College (Difficult to read)

Workforce & Employment:

Primary Occupations: Lawyer, Judge, Police, Investigator, Domestic Servant

Family Dynamics:

Father, Stepmother, & Sister
