Time for Review

Reviewing is not a part of the eight step Lesson Flow used in the English Forward training and the curriculum. However, that does not mean that reviewing does not have a place in English Forward.

Reviewing the previous lesson is not part of the Lesson Flow because the lessons aren’t necessarily meant to be delivered in the order they appear in the curriculum. For example, Lesson 5.1 My First Job is not reviewed at the beginning of Lesson 5.2 Common Careers because it is not assumed that 5.2 follows 5.1 in your class. This allows flexibility for you to meet your students’ needs and/or to allow you to choose lessons on topics that are important to your students. This can be especially helpful if you use another set of curriculum alongside English Forward, like Ventures.

Spend time reviewing the previous English Forward lesson at the beginning of each class to remind your students of what they’ve learned and ensure that they’ve learned it!

What role does reviewing play in your classes? Share tips or strategies in the comments below!

